10-Month-Old Baby: Milestones and Development
5 min readReaching the age of ten months is a significant milestone, bringing your baby ever closer to their first birthday. At this stage, infants acquire new knowledge, demonstrate increasing independence, and prepare for those exciting first steps. Just as before, your baby relies on your support and presence. In this article, we will explore the remarkable developmental milestones for a 10 month old baby and highlight important considerations for parents.

Developmental milestones for a 10 month old infant
Between 10 to 12 months, your baby's coordination undergoes significant improvement, and experts have identified a range of skills that most babies should develop by this age. However, it's important to remember that all babies progress at their unique pace. Therefore, if your baby reaches 10 month developmental milestones and hasn't mastered certain skills yet, don't be alarmed; variations in developmental timelines can span 1 to 2 months.
Physical development
Various factors, including birth weight, nutritional patterns, and potential health issues, influence a child's weight and height. While you can refer to the table compiled according to 10-month developmental milestones for general guidance, it's crucial to consult with your pediatrician if you have any concerns or doubts.
Gender | Lower bound | Norm | Upper bound |
Boys | 27,95 | 28,85 | 29,76 |
Girls | 27,16 | 28,15 | 29,13 |
Gender | Lower bound | Norm | Upper bound |
Boys | 18,07 | 20,28 | 22,48 |
Girls | 16,53 | 18,74 | 21,16 |
Head circumference typically falls between 17.56 and 19.21 inches, while chest circumference ranges from 17.72 to 20.27 inches for boys. For girls, head circumference varies between 17.13 and 19 inches, and chest circumference falls within the 17.8 to 19.72-inch range.
The developmental milestones for a 10-month-old child mark the emergence of independence, as babies start imitating "adult" actions. In preparation for their first steps, many babies can already stand on their feet, with some even attempting to walk independently.
Also: Baby's Milestones at 9 Months
Here's a summary of what a сhild that reached developmental milestones for 10 month old can usually do:
Mastered crawling, often covering long distances, even moving from room to room.
Successfully gets on their feet and squats, takes steps, stomps, and attempts to jump.
Can stand without support, relying on furniture or walls for balance. Safety during movement becomes crucial, with a focus on removing sharp corners and slippery surfaces.
Grasps toys firmly, and you can often identify whether your baby is right-handed or left-handed based on their dominant hand.
Begins imitating movements of parents, often showing interest in the kitchen, opening cabinet doors, and exploring drawers.
Displays a clear understanding of object use, discerning the purpose of items such as spoons and mugs, showcasing improved fine motor skills.
From a sitting position, can rise to their feet and stand independently.
Can sit down from a standing position without assistance.
Shows curiosity about drawers, cabinets, and wardrobes, opening and closing them and pulling objects out.
Grasps the principle of how a ball "works," rolling it back and forth, and can play with toy cars and assemble a pyramid.
Holds multiple objects simultaneously in both hands.
Typically recognizes their own name, turning in response to being called.
While these skills are exciting, they also come with increased safety considerations. Parents should take steps to safeguard their baby's health and restrict access to hazardous objects. Protective measures, such as corner guards and drawer stoppers, can be helpful.
Around the age of 10 month old, parents can begin teaching their baby to get off a sofa or chair. At this developmental stage, a child possesses enough control over their body to perform such simple actions. Parents should demonstrate how to do this safely, repeating the process until the child learns to get off while feeling the support under their feet.
Social development
Mental and emotional growth continues to advance as 10-month developmental milestones unfold. Babies become more adept at processing and expressing emotions.
At this stage, babies comprehend the concept of what is forbidden and may express strong objections through crying and displays of indignation. Praise prompts smiles and laughter, while they understand requests to give or take a toy.
Hugging, seeking hands, and engaging in physical contact are integral aspects of social developmental milestones for a 10 month old child. A baby's desire for social interaction and tactile communication signifies the healthy progression of mental processes. Extensive research supports the importance of physical contact, revealing that children who receive frequent hugs tend to grow and develop more optimally.
Physical touch stimulates the nervous system, enhances fine motor skills, and fosters new intercellular connections, all of which positively contribute to a child's mental development.
Also: 20 Ways How to Bond with Your Baby: Tips for Parents
Tips for parents
Teething is another significant developmental milestone for 10 months old and it can pose a challenge for parents. While there isn't a tool that guarantees entirely painless teething, you can alleviate discomfort by offering a special teething ring or a cooling toy.
Proper baby care at 10 months should include daily massages, particularly in the abdominal, back, and leg areas. Pay close attention to physical activity, incorporating daily exercises along with massages. These practices not only facilitate those first steps but also promote your child's overall musculoskeletal health.
If your baby enjoys baths, consider incorporating daily water procedures. However, limit the use of soap products, such as shampoos and foams, to no more than twice a week.
Introduce a new hygiene practice: cleaning your baby's first teeth. Begin this routine in the morning, taking no longer than a minute. You can use a specialized rubber finger brush equipped with silicone bristles for gentle and injury-free cleaning.
The developmental milestones at 10 months signify an important phase in your child's growth. At this stage, your baby finds increasing fascination in spending time with peers, exploring their surroundings, touching objects, and studying them. To support their full development, daily outdoor walks are essential. Always ensure your baby is dressed appropriately, keeping in mind that overheating is just as risky as exposure to cold temperatures.
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