Indigo Children: Who Are They And What To Do With Them
8 min readWhat is an indigo child? The phenomenon of indigo children was first described by an American named Nancy Ann Tapp. She had decided to take photos of the auras of the children who had been diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) by psychotherapists, and discovered that some of them had an unusual blue-violet shade – indigo. It was the starting point for lots of research work: what kind of children they are, and why they have such an aura.

What are indigo children: meaning
What does the term "indigo children" mean? Today it is known that people with such an aura have certain traits of abilities – a high spiritual level and the awareness of the world that no one knows where they got it from. Such people DNA has a special structure, and their interactions with the outer world differs from the behavior of an ordinary person.
In the article, we will see into the traits of an indigo child and consider the right approach tor thier education.
Indigo children test
Scientists call indigo children an upgraded blueprint of humanity. These gifted new age people will shift reality and change the world for the better.
Is your child an Indigo Child? you can Do a little test to determine the traits of indigo children by answering "yes"/"no" to the following questions:
- Is your child innate-self assured and even haughty sometimes?
- Immersed in thoughts?
- Have high expectations of oneself and others?
- Insightful – has a deeper vision of situations and other people than you?
- Doesn't like to obey?
- Is your child headstrong if something is forced upon him
- Does your child have innovative ideas?
- Is your child creative? ?
- Is your child antagonistic to others' shortcomings?
- Doesn't compromise?
- Does your child prefer to be alone?
- Is he often rebellious towards other people/children?
- Does your child easily detects lies and manipulation? ?
- Is your child constantly rushing ?
- Does your child get annoyed when awaiting someone?
If most of the answers are positive, then you should read the detailed traits of indigo children to better know and understand your child.
Innate hyperactivity
Indigo children are always on the move, they show hyperactivity literally from birth. Such a child sleeps little, has poor appetite, loves to be played with for a long time and loves to be carried in your arms. Some mothers can rock the baby for 2-3 hours until the child falls asleep.
An indigo child differs from other children since early childhood. Indigoes are often diagnosed with high tone by doctors and sometimes doctors will prescribe sedatives
In fact, any interference (psychological, medical) will only sharpen the negative traits of an indigo child.
Suppressed activity will lead to further escalation in the future. Therefore, it is better to let the child be exposed to hyperactivity and noise at a young age, to avoid an escalation in the future
Lords of the world
Indigo children have a feeling of royalty and privilege that results in the corresponding behavior. They are the masters of the world, they disregard any authority, they are simply impossible to be controlled.
Parents try different ways to influence such a child, but inevitably come to the conclusion that everything is in vain. Traditional parenting principles don't work with indigo. To earn the respect of such a child, you need to accept the fact that the child is special.
"No" to any restrictions
If a mother ever demands any explanation from an indigo child for his action, the answer will be detached reasoning or even silence. An indigo child thinks it’s not obligatory to report and agree his actions with adults. He sincerely does not understand why this should be done.
Free choice is overriding for indigo children. They do not bear any restrictions, all moral constraints and established norms of society are subject to criticism and thorough revision.
And if an indigo does not find a rational explanation for any rule / restriction, then any attempts to force him to сonfrom to norms will be useless.
Move against the system
Rowing against the flood is the trademark state of an indigo child. He does not accept any traditions and rules, but has its own creative initiative. It is very difficult to force such a child to quietly sit during a lesson and a child functions poorly at a conventional school.
Such misbehavior is negatively accepted by others. It is being explained as the result of poor education and disrespect.
But the reason for the disobedience of an indigo child is that he does not follow the rules, he creates them.
An indigo child has a very clear and even inner vision created as a complete system in his own mind\. Any outer systems are out of his consideration. Freedom and the total resistance to any kind of authority are the core belief of the indigo generation.
Indigo in a team
An indigo child does not fit in with a company of ordinary children, he does not make friends with any of them. Indigos are self-interested or prefer the children of the same type.
Having not found "brothers in mind", such a child may be introverted, feels being misunderstood. He hardly can build social relations.
Sometimes indigo children are bulled by their peers. The way out of this situation will be communication among creative children, individuals, athletes – those who are deeply into any kind of activities and are focused on their own achievements.
Communication with older mates are very important for an indigo child – they are no longer interested in teasing the little one, but he will be extremely interesting as a counterpart for them. Such children are wizards, can offer a better way of doing things or help to have a different look at a problem.
Emotions and feelings of an indigo child
From the very early age, these children are very scared of death, the loss of loved ones. They are highly sensitive to others’ emotions and do not hide their own well.
An indigo child is almost always introverted – a child is deeply into his thoughts and interests which are more important than those of others.At the same time, a child will be constantly repeating to his mother how much he loves her, which disarms and causes tender emotions as a response.
Also, indigos are deeply sensitive to any violence towards themselves, other people, animals. If you tell a child that you can’t tear off tree leaves because it hurts trees, he may even burst into tears as he feels this pain.
How to educate indigo children
Such children do not fit in the traditional schooling pattern due to rigid average approach and strict discipline. They will thrive if admitted into less structured schools with alternative educational methods:
- Waldorf school – connection between man and nature is emphasized. Children are taught to care for plants and animals, they are taught to self-understanding through communication with the outside world.
- Montessori is an individual approach to learning. The child receives knowledge during developing games, fulfills interesting tasks, and is engaged in creativity. An adult only observes the process and interferes only when difficulties arise.Direct democracy schools (for example, "Sudbury") – there is no predetermined educational syllabus,prescriptive curriculum, evaluation system and discipline control. Learning is self-initiated by children. They create the groups and choose the subjects – they choose friends with the same interests.
In many European countries, as well as in the United States, there are schools for parents of indigo children. The parents are taught to better understand their children, adapt them to society and reveal their talents.
Indigo child: 9 secrets of parenting
Parents need to move beyond standard parenting patterns and adjust to the needs and desires of their unique child. The below action list shows what you should not do to your indigo children:
- Limit self-dependence, initiative and freedom of choice. The child will struggle against any suppression of the child’s will.
- Punish. Everything the indigo child does is totally correct in their mind. You can convince him otherwise only in a calm and friendly tone, using examples and detailed explanations.
- Raise a genius. Notwithstanding the obvious talents, indigo children just like ordinary children, should have a full-fledged childhood. Parents should not implement their ambitions using a unique child.
- Praise. Indigo children already have high self-сonfidence, so you should not back it up with useless compliments. But you are always welcome to praise and encourage real achievements.
- Destroy individuality. This is not only harmful, but completely useless. Attempts to drive the indigo child into rigid paradigmes of authority and impose restrictions will only end in protests.
- Humiliate. The indigo child will not forgive humiliation. He will nurse a grievance for a long time thus destroying the relations within the family.
- Lie. Strong intuition will allow the indigo child to quickly bring the lying parent to light. If this continues, he will no longer trust relatives.
- Force. It is better to ask for, justify your request, give time for reflection, not to force it to be done.
- Restrict creativity. Although this is impossible: talented indigo children will always find a way to realize their gift, even if their parents do not provide any help to them.
American psychotherapist, author of books about indigo children Doreen Virtue once said: “For me, these children are the answers to all prayers for peace.” Scientists have not yet fully studied the phenomenon of the indigo aura, but if you have just such a child, consider it a great happiness. After all, there is no doubt that these are the people of the future.
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